Understanding Pregnancy Discrimination Laws in Oregon

Pregnant employees should be able to return to work after childbirth and maternity leave with the same opportunities and job benefits they had before becoming mothers. Discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions is unlawful under both federal and Oregon law.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, along with the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, prohibits employers from discriminating against employees based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.

Similarly, Oregon law also protects pregnant employees from discrimination. Additionally, in 2019, the Oregon legislature expanded pregnancy discrimination laws to mandate reasonable accommodations for pregnant employees, irrespective of any pregnancy-related disability. Employers with six or more employees are now required to provide reasonable accommodations, including lactation and breastfeeding support.

Oregon law now requires employers to consider providing reasonable accommodations such as:

  • Acquisition or modification of equipment or devices to support pregnant employees.

  • Allowing more frequent or longer periods of periodic rest to accommodate their needs.

  • Offering assistance with manual labor to avoid undue strain.

  • Modification of work schedules or job assignments to better suit their circumstances.

Federal and Oregon pregnancy discrimination laws also prohibit employers from treating female employees differently based on unwarranted stereotypes about working mothers. Employers cannot deny qualified pregnant applicants job opportunities due to their pregnancy status. Pregnancy discrimination can be proven through patterns of discriminatory reassignments, negative treatment, and comments (such as doubting the employee's ability to work or commitment to the job) following pregnancy or maternity leave.

At Salo Law LLC, we strongly believe that pregnant employees deserve fair treatment and equal opportunities in the workplace. Pregnancy discrimination is unlawful, and both federal and Oregon laws protect pregnant employees from discrimination and ensure they receive reasonable accommodations during this critical time. If you believe you have experienced pregnancy discrimination, it is essential to know your rights and seek legal advice to protect your interests.

By understanding the laws and standing up against discrimination, we can foster a work environment where all employees, including pregnant workers, are treated with the respect and fairness they deserve.

If you need legal assistance or have any questions about pregnancy discrimination, don't hesitate to reach out to Alina Salo at (503) 208-6716 or alina@salolawoffice.com.