Understanding Retaliation: Protecting Your Rights in the Workplace

Retaliation in the workplace can be a distressing experience for employees. It occurs when an employer takes adverse employment actions against an employee in response to that employee engaging in a "protected activity." These actions can negatively impact the terms and conditions of employment, creating a hostile work environment for the affected individual.

What Is Retaliation?

Retaliation is a form of workplace discrimination that involves an employer taking punitive measures against an employee for engaging in protected activities. These protected activities are actions taken by employees to assert their rights, often involving reporting misconduct or opposing discriminatory practices within the workplace.

What is "Blowing the Whistle"?

One common form of protected activity is often referred to as "blowing the whistle." In Oregon, an employee is considered to have blown the whistle when they report conduct they reasonably believe to be a violation of any law, rule, or regulation, including health and safety violations. This reporting can encompass various issues, such as fraud, safety hazards, environmental violations, or other illegal activities within the workplace.

Speaking Out Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation

Another aspect of protected activity involves employees voicing opposition to discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. This means that if you witness or experience discriminatory behavior, harassment, or acts of retaliation, you have the right to speak out against these injustices without fear of reprisal.

Forms of Retaliation

Retaliation can manifest in various forms commonly referred to as “adverse actions,” including:

  1. Termination: Wrongful termination of employment is a severe form of retaliation. Employees may lose their jobs as a direct result of engaging in protected activities.

  2. Demotion: Retaliatory demotion involves reducing an employee's job status, responsibilities, or pay as a punitive measure.

  3. Harassment: Retaliation can take the form of workplace harassment, creating a hostile work environment for the affected employee.

  4. Denial of Benefits: Employees may face retaliation through the denial of employment benefits, promotions, or raises.

  5. Isolation: Isolating an employee within the workplace, limiting their interactions with colleagues, or assigning undesirable tasks can also constitute retaliation.

Timing Is Crucial

If you believe you're a victim of retaliation, it's essential to act promptly. Timing often plays a crucial role in addressing retaliation claims. As an affected employee, you should contact an Oregon retaliation lawyer as soon as possible if you suspect that you're experiencing retaliation in the workplace.

Steps to Protect Your Rights:

  1. Document Everything: Maintain detailed records of incidents related to retaliation, including dates, times, locations, individuals involved, and any witnesses.

  2. Consult an Attorney: Seek legal counsel from an experienced Oregon retaliation lawyer who can assess your situation, provide guidance, and help you navigate the complexities of retaliation claims.

  3. Follow Company Policies: Familiarize yourself with your employer's policies and procedures for reporting workplace issues, and ensure you adhere to them.

  4. Stay Informed: Stay informed about your rights as an employee in Oregon. Understanding your legal protections is crucial when dealing with retaliation.

  5. Gather Evidence: Collect evidence that supports your retaliation claim. This may include emails, documents, witness statements, or any other relevant information.

Legal Recourse for Retaliation Victims

Employees who have experienced retaliation have legal options to seek justice and compensation for their ordeal. An experienced retaliation attorney can help you explore legal avenues such as filing a complaint with the Oregon Bureau of Labor & Industries (BOLI) or pursuing a civil lawsuit against your employer.

Retaliation in the workplace is a violation of your rights as an employee. Engaging in protected activities, such as "blowing the whistle" or opposing discrimination, is your legal right, and you should not face adverse consequences for doing so. If you believe you're a victim of retaliation, don't hesitate to seek legal counsel from an experienced Oregon retaliation lawyer. Timing is crucial in addressing retaliation claims, and taking prompt action can help protect your rights and hold responsible parties accountable for their actions. Remember that you have legal recourse to seek justice and compensation for the harm you've suffered due to retaliation.

You may contact Alina M. Salo directly at alina@salolawoffice.com if you feel you have been subject to retaliation.


Alina M. Salo
Attorney at Law

(503) 208-6716

1050 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, Oregon 97204
